How often should I get my water tested? The health department recommends for your water to be tested once a year, unless it has a noticeable change in odor or flavor, in which case it should be tested immediately. Water testing is one of the benefits of our service contract.
Why am I getting stains in my sink(s) or toilet(s)? Staining is caused by water conditioning that needs to be serviced or that is needed for your specific water quality. Most water conditioners must be serviced yearly.
I'm buying a house. Should I have the well inspected? A well inspection is a good idea, because you get the water tested. You may also come to find that part of the pumping system is not working correctly, which may end up being too costly for you after you move in to your new house.
What is the life expectancy of my pumping system? The average life for a pump and tank is 10 to 12 years. This lifetime may be extended if you properly care for your system.
Water Facts
An average American household uses in excess of 476,000 gallons of fresh water a year. Collectively, Americans drink an average of 1 billion glasses of tap water per day.
Approximately 42 million people (US Geological Survey, 1995) in the United States obtain water from private drinking water supplies. Most of these supplies are drawn from a local aquifer* through wells, but some households also use water from streams or cisterns.
*Aquifer – An underground formation/group of formations in rocks and soils containing enough ground water to supply wells and springs.
For every foot of a 6" diameter well below the water line there are 1 1/2 gallons of water.
Nationwide, wells produce an average of 4-10 gallons of water per minute.
An average person will use 75-150 gallons of water a day.
D&D Golder Well Service, Inc
220 Limestone Road, Oxford, Pennsylvania 19363, United States